How to clean bottom of basketball shoes?

Use these court shoe maintenance recommendations to keep white basketball sneakers or other leather hoop shoes clean and free of scuffs.

Maintaining clean basketball sneakers is essential for both performance and appearance. You might slip and fall across the court in unclean sneakers, which could result in injury. Clean sneakers will support your step-back shots and swift crossovers, giving you more control over the game.

Before making shots, ensure you know how to care for and inspect your basketball sneakers. Pay attention to these pointers and techniques to keep your soles sticky and your kicks clean.

Quick Tips: 

  • DO NOT use a washing machine or dryer. It will result in harm.
  • NEVER use a hair dryer or put shoes next to heaters or vents. Rubber warps with high heat.
  • DO NOT use rubbing alcohol, bleach, scented laundry detergent, or fabric softeners. These cause the shoe’s soles to dry up, crack, and leave oily residue behind.
  • USE environmentally friendly laundry detergent.

How To Clean Bottom Of Basketball Shoes

Supplies Required:

  • An old toothbrush works significantly as a gentle brush.
  • gentle detergent or soap
  • warm water
  • sink or bucket
  • sponge or cloth
  • a clean towel or paper towel.

Look at our detailed instructions for cleaning the bottoms of basketball shoes:

1. Eliminate Debris and Loose debris: 

Clear the soles of any loose debris before wet cleaning. To remove any remaining dirt, gently scrub the shoes with a soft-bristled brush or clap them together sole to sole.

2. Get Ready for Cleaning: 

Whisk together a little mild detergent in a bowl of warm water. Steer clear of harsh chemicals since they may harm the substance of the shoes.

3. Scrub the Soles: 

First, scrubbing the shoe soles requires dipping the brush into the cleaning solution. Particular attention should be given to the nooks and crannies where dirt likes to collect. Use a little extra force or give the solution a few minutes to work on stains or dirt that won’t go away.

4. Wipe off the Soles: 

To get rid of any soap residue and loose dirt, wipe down the soles with a moist towel after scrubbing.

5. Rinse: 

To make sure no soap residue is left, rinse the soles with clean water if needed. To regulate the amount of water you apply, use a sponge or moist towel.

6. Dry the Shoes: 

In a well-ventilated place, pat the soles dry with a towel and let the shoes air dry fully. Keep them out of the sun and extreme heat since they can harm the material.

7. Disinfect (Optional): 

You can use a disinfectant spray that is safe to use on footwear to get rid of microorganisms that cause odors. Apply in accordance with the product’s instructions.

8. Regular Maintenance: 

Clean the soles of your basketball shoes on a regular basis to keep them in excellent shape. It’s a good idea to wipe them quickly and remove any loose dirt after each use.

You may prevent basketball sneakers from squeaking and preserve their longevity by cleaning them according to the instructions provided above.

Extra Advice: 

  • To protect the shoe bottoms, stay away from harsh brushes and harsh chemicals.
  • If there are any particular cleaning tips or cautions, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • For particularly tough stains, you can use a spot treatment or a specialty shoe cleaning.
  • To retain grip and avoid slipping, make sure the shoes are thoroughly dry before your next game.

Is Using Water to Clean Basketball Shoes OK?

Although it’s typically acceptable to wash basketball shoes with water, there are a few safety measures you should follow to make sure the shoes are not damaged:

  • Use Cold or Lukewarm Water: Hot water might weaken the adhesive holding the shoe’s components together and harm the shoe’s fabric.
  • Prevent Soaking: Apply water where needed with a moist cloth or sponge rather than soaking the shoes. Soaking can weaken or distort some materials, which could compromise the durability of basketball shoes.
  • Spot Clean: Only wet the sections that are dirty, especially the upper portion of the shoe as these may be composed of materials that are less water-resistant.
  • Dry Well: It’s critical to allow the shoes to air dry entirely in a well-ventilated area following a water-based cleaning. Avoid putting them near direct heat sources or in a dryer.
  • Refer to the Instructions from the Manufacturer: Certain basketball sneakers may come with special cleaning instructions that advise against using water or that specify how to clean them with it.

Before using water to clean your basketball shoes, always take into account the materials used and look for any cleaning guidelines offered by the manufacturer.

Can Shoes Be Whitened with Baking Soda?

Yes, baking soda can be used to clean basketball sneakers. It is a natural cleaning solution that has the ability to gently abrade surfaces and remove stains. The following is how baking soda can be used to help whiten shoes:

  • Create a Paste: To make a paste, combine baking soda and a tiny bit of water. It should have a thick enough consistency to stick to the shoes without slipping off.
  • Put the Paste in Place: Apply the baking soda paste to the white areas of the shoes using a gentle cloth or an old toothbrush. To remove stains, gently scrape in a circular motion.
  • Let It Sit: To help the paste get into the stains, let it sit on the shoes for a while—about 30 minutes is enough time—after cleaning.
  • Rinse or Wipe Off: To see if the stains have lifted, rinse the paste with water or wipe away the baking soda with a moist cloth.
  • Air Dry: Keep the shoes out of the direct sun and heat during the entire drying process.

You can add a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide to the baking soda paste for stronger stains or for more whitening effect. Without the unpleasant side effects of heavier bleaching agents, this mixture can function as a light bleach to whiten the fabric.

Before applying the baking soda mixture to bigger surfaces, always perform a spot test on a small, discrete shoe area. This is because some materials may react adversely to abrasive chemicals. Furthermore, exercise caution as baking soda may alter the color of colorful areas of the shoe.

Toothpaste: Can It Brighten Shoes?

Additionally, toothpaste can brighten shoes, particularly the white rubber sections. It is a helpful cleaning product for teeth whitening because it frequently contains mild abrasives that can help remove tiny stains and scuffs. This can be used in the following ways to whiten your shoes:

  • Selecting the Proper Toothpaste: Use white toothpaste only; colored or gel-based toothpaste can cause additional stains on the shoes. For cleaning, paste made with baking soda works best.
  • Clean the Shoes: Make sure the shoes are dust- and dirt-free before putting toothpaste on them. You can clean them with a moist cloth or get rid of any extra filth.
  • Put toothpaste on: Apply a tiny bit to a gentle cloth or an old toothbrush. Directly apply it to the areas you wish to lighten in color.
  • Scrub Gently: Where necessary, gently scrub the paste into the shoe’s surface. Highlight spots that require whitening that are yellowed or discolored.
  • Allow It to Rest: Give the paste ten to fifteen minutes to sit on the shoes.
  • Wipe Off: To get rid of all residue, wipe the toothpaste off with a moist cloth or give it a quick rinse under water.
  • Let the shoes air dry. In a place with adequate ventilation and protection from the sun, let the shoe air dry fully.

Toothpaste works best on the rubber portions of shoes; it works less well on leather or cloth. It’s also vital to remember that, even while it might help clean and whiten shoes, deep or set-in stains might not respond as well to it. In order to be sure the paste won’t harm or discolor your shoes, always do a spot test in a small, less noticeable location.


Basketball shoe soles should be regularly cleaned for hygienic and performance reasons as well as appearance. Players may make sure their shoes are in excellent condition and have a big impact on the court by following the above-mentioned measures. Recall that upkeep is the key to a basketball shoe’s longevity; a well-maintained shoe starts with a clean sole.


How can I lessen the slickness on the sole of my basketball shoes?

The dust buildup on the basketball court is frequently the cause of your losing traction. The rubber soles can be softer by adding moisture. Water evaporates really quickly, so until the next time out, at the latest, you’ll be in the middle of a game without a wet towel.

Is it possible to use dish soap to clean the bottom of basketball shoes?

Indeed, To remove stains or scuffs, dab a toothbrush in plain white toothpaste, dip it into a solution of warm water and a small amount of dish soap, and scrape away. Using a fresh, moist towel, remove any leftovers, and repeat as necessary.

Is it possible to clean my basketball sneakers with toothpaste?

Yes, you can keep your white basketball shoes brilliant by incorporating a tiny bit of toothpaste into the soapy solution you use to clean the soles of the shoes. Spot Clean: If your shoes get stains, get rid of them as soon as you can because stains can seep into the material and harm it over time.

Is using water to clean basketball sneakers okay?

Yes, use some warm water with a small amount of environmentally friendly washing detergent. Using a fresh wash towel, gently apply the liquid on your basketball sneakers. Cleanse the shoes by rinsing them with water or using a fresh towel dipped in warm water to remove any leftover cleaning solution.

Do shoe soles clean with toothpaste?

For cleaning white-soled sneakers, non-gel white toothpaste is excellent (colored toothpaste stains rather than cleans). Using an old toothbrush, apply toothpaste, then work the paste into the unclean areas. After applying toothpaste to the shoes for approximately ten minutes, remove it with a moist towel.

Are shoes cleaned by Vaseline?

Yes, It will give the leather a brief sheen. Additionally, it will gather dirt and dust and retain it within the leather so that it might enter the pores. All petroleum products will damage leather. Just don’t

Do shoe soles get cleaned by baking soda?

Yes, baking soda and vinegar can be used to clean shoes. While vinegar can assist get rid of stains and grime, baking soda can help absorb smells. After scrubbing the shoes with a paste made of baking soda and water, use vinegar with a brush or cloth to get rid of any remaining stains.

Can shoes be cleaned with water and baking soda?

Indeed, excellent for canvas shoes but suitable for other styles as well. To make a paste, combine one tablespoon boiling water, one tablespoon white vinegar, and one tablespoon baking soda.

Are Nike basketball sneakers washable?

Nike advises against using a washing machine to clean shoes. Using a light cleaning solution and allowing them to air dry is the most effective method for cleaning shoes without causing any damage to them.

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